Food brand narrative is a communication and promotion strategy that can be useful for producers and suppliers who intend to strengthen their presence on their national or international market. The storytelling of the brand, in fact, can influence the decision of both B2B and B2C customers, depending on the ability of the company to effectively communicate their identity.

The art of storytelling can be seen as one of the pillars of a company's marketing. In fact, "brand narrative" strategies in the food sector, as well as in other sectors, can contribute to the achievement of 3 important objectives:

  1. stand out from the competitors;
  2. make the brand memorable and easy to recognize;
  3. create an emotional connection with potential customers (distributors, resellers and end consumers).

And it is precisely the emotional component that plays a fundamental role in the company's storytelling, as it happens in successful commercials. The underlying story, if told well, remains in people's memory and therefore represents the key to success for the promotion of a brand. 

How to create a storytelling for maximum impact

In order to communicate your brand it is necessary to start from some fundamental aspects. Let's see below some ideas on which to base the storytelling of a food company and create effective promotional content (textual and visual) to be published on the company website, to be included in email marketing campaigns, or to be shared on social media, as well as other platforms and marketplaces aimed at promoting food products:

  • narrate the history and origins of the company from the point of view of those who founded it and those who contributed to the creation of the brand;
  • communicate the company's mission, showing passion and dedication in achieving the objectives;
  • focus on the ingredients and their origin, describing the territory that has provided an indispensable contribution to the success of the company;
  • show the specialties produced and the methods of preparation (innovative practices or respectful of the local tradition);
  • announce the launch of a new product
  • give advice on how to use the products, referring to local food and wine traditions.

In addition to these basic points, it is possible to build a brand narrative by drawing inspiration from new trends and those topics that are among the most followed. Ethics and sustainability, for example, are increasingly influencing end-consumers behaviour in recent years. To adapt to this trend, producers operating in the food industry can improve their brand storytelling by referring to their commitment to protect the environment (the choice of ecological packaging or energy efficiency systems, solutions to reduce food waste, etc.). 

In addition, an incisive storytelling must show what makes your brand and your products really special. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple "rules":

  • Be honest and realistic: authenticity and transparency are fundamental for potential customers and distributors, in order to decide whether to buy or not from a food producer, as well as to create ongoing relationships based on trust.
  • Be clear: the messages must be easy to understand, focusing attention on 2-3 key points. Including too many concepts will confuse the message.
  • Use emotions: professional, yet warm and friendly language helps to emotionally engage customers, both new and returning.
  • Create high quality visual content: carefully selected locations, colors, lights, videos, music and other elements play a decisive role in order to tell a compelling story.

To learn more about B2B marketing strategies, read also "7 marketing strategies for distributors, wholesalers and suppliers in the food industry".

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